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Aging in Place: Breaking Down the Barriers

Aging in place is more than just the latest trend. Don’t let pride and outdated stigmas keep you from living life to the fullest.

Written by Stannah at 15-01-2020

Aging in place: breaking down the barriers

In a recent blog, we discussed some common solutions for aging in place and the importance of planning ahead. While many consider moving house or relocating to the first floor to get around the stairs, a stairlift is often the most practical choice. But, what happens when the person who needs help doesn’t want to accept it? No one should feel embarrassed about addressing their mobility issues and it’s important that seniors consider all their options. In this blog, we will examine some of the common emotional barriers to a stairlift purchase and breakdown outdated stigmas associated with the aging process.

Cost & suitability to the staircase

One of the most common refrains from those reluctant to install a stairlift, is that it’s “too expensive” or “wouldn’t fit” on their staircase. These assertions are often made without any research or legitimate understanding of the product. Instead, these logistical concerns are a convenient way for seniors to dismiss the idea, without having a genuine conversation about their mobility. In reality, a Stannah stairlift can fit almost all types of staircases. Whether your stairs are steep, narrow or take several turns, we have an option to suit your needs. When comparing stairlift prices to the financial and emotional toll of remodeling or moving, it’s easy to see that this artificial barrier doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

Doctor’s orders

For some, daily struggles with the stairs are seen as a necessary evil to promote good health. Their doctors have told them that they should stay active, so naturally they associate the physical excretion of climbing upstairs with a productive workout. While stair climbing can be beneficial in some cases, for many, the positive gains are dramatically outweighed by the risk of serious injury. A hip fracture can be a life changing event, accompanied by a dramatic reduction in mobility and a loss of personal independence. While the decision to purchase a stairlift shouldn’t be made out of fear or apprehension, living safely at home should be the priority.

Not ready yet

Many seniors, who are reluctant to admit that they have mobility issues, balk at the idea of installing a stairlift in their home. “I’m not ready for that yet,” they tell their loved ones. For them, it’s a sign that they’re getting older and becoming less capable of living independently. Better to push off confronting these realities until they’re “ready” at some point off in the distant future. But, if not now, when is the right time? Stannah customers are always telling us how they wish they had made the decision sooner.

“We have used our stairlift for the past four months and are very pleased with it. We own a garrison colonial home and my office, bedroom and full bath are on the second floor. With bad knees and lower back, it is so easy to go upstairs now. We would highly recommend the Stannah Stairlift.” (Mr. Cohen)

Despite their initial trepidations, our customers consistently find that having a stairlift actually allows them to become more independent, while giving their family members added peace of mind. And of course, the stairlift folds away when you’re not using it, so, it’s there when you need it and out of the way when you don’t.

Stairs can be an obstacle when considering aging in place, but a stairlift could be a solution

At the end of the day, no one can (or should) be forced into accepting a stairlift. But, if you’re aging in place, it’s important to give the idea honest consideration, rather than dismissing it out of hand. Like with any important decision, it’s best to get all of the pertinent information, before deciding what the right choice is for you and your family. Stannah has been in business for over 150 years and has the experience and expertise to enable you to age in place safely. If you’re thinking that a stairlift might be an option for you, you can contact our trusted dealer in Israel, Electra Taamal, for free information and advice, without obligation.